Hinu (v.): To polish.
In the Hawaiian culture, "hinu" means to polish or refine something to enhance its beauty and value. It encapsulates the process of taking something old and giving it new life - a concept that has been central to our work from the start. But now, as we've evolved and expanded our offerings, "hinu" has taken on an even deeper meaning for us.
Today, House of Hinu is about more than just polishing material objects; it's about polishing the soul. Through our lei making workshops we aim to provide a space for individuals to sit with others, share stories (and maybe engage in some lighthearted gossip), and collectively polish their souls. Just as we once polished vintage items to make them feel new again, we now seek to do the same for the human spirit - helping it feel rejuvenated and radiant .
About The Founder, Raine
Raised in Hawaii, Raine always had a deep connection to its traditions. As a Polynesian dancer, lei-maker, teacher, and flight attendant, she has seen first-hand how these practices bring people together. Her experience teaching English and Intercultural Relations at a local university along with her world travels, deepens her appreciation for authentic and meaningful experiences, which she is dedicated to cultivating for others.